Calibrate Your Jets
Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 30 minQuestions
How do you use Athena tools?
Learn about Athena tools.
Use the JetCalibTool from the Package to calibrate your jets.
In this session, we’ll learn how to use the JetCalibrationTool
to calibrate our jets. This will showcase the usefulness of having central packages accomplishing some of the common tasks.
Using The Calibration Tools
The first step is to implement the jet calibration tool inside our AnalysisPayload
program. This is done using the JetCalibTools
package, maintained by the JetEtMiss group. They are the ones responsible for deriving the calibrations and systematics, among many things. You can find more information about the tool on the ApplyJetCalibrationR21 twiki page. But don’t take this as an example of a standard ATLAS documentation. The JetEtMiss group is exceptionally good at documenting their work!
The Athena framework provides a common interface for definining tools. They provide functionality for
- Garbage collection via smart pointers.
- Share instances between different parts of code via “public tools”. This reduces memory usage, as each instance can load sizeable calibration tables!
- Abstract interface to allow for different tool implementation.
- Configurability via properties, accessible via C++ code or Python configuration files (callled job options).
Initialize the Tool
Start by including the necessary header files to the beginning of your AnalysisPayload.cxx
. We will go over what code you are including next.
// jet calibration
#include <AsgTools/AnaToolHandle.h>
#include <JetCalibTools/IJetCalibrationTool.h>
To use a tool, we wrap it inside the asg::AnaToolHandle
class. This acts as a smart pointer, with ability to look for existing instances of the tool during initialization. We will refer to this object as a tool handle. This is a templated class, where the template is an interface class. The interface class determines what functions the tool should provide, without actually implementing them. This allows one to easily drop in alternate implementations. For the JetCalibrationTool
, the interface class is IJetCalibrationTool
. Add the following line near the beginning of your main
asg::AnaToolHandle<IJetCalibrationTool> JetCalibrationTool_handle;
So far, we have only declared the tool. We still need to initialize it and create an instance. As part of the initialization, you need to
- tell it what implemtation to use,
- configure any properties,
- instantiate the object.
Start by telling the tool handle that we want to use the JetCalibrationTool
implementation with the name “MyCalibrationTool”. The name is important for tool reuse. If another tool handle already exists with the same name, the instance of the tool is shared.
Next let’s configure the tool itself using the latest and greatest available calibration. You can find what the fields mean in the JetCalibrationTool documentation.
JetCalibrationTool_handle.setProperty("JetCollection","AntiKt4EMPFlow" );
JetCalibrationTool_handle.setProperty("ConfigFile" ,"JES_MC16Recommendation_Consolidated_PFlow_Apr2019_Rel21.config");
JetCalibrationTool_handle.setProperty("CalibSequence","JetArea_Residual_EtaJES_GSC_Smear" );
JetCalibrationTool_handle.setProperty("CalibArea" ,"00-04-82" );
JetCalibrationTool_handle.setProperty("IsData" ,false );
Finally, create an instance of the JetCalibrationTool
class and configure it using the information specified above.
Use the Tool
We next need to loop over all jets in each event and apply the calibration to them before storing them. Locate your jet loop, and add a call to our JetCalibrationTool_handle
to calibrate each jet.
// calibrate the jet
xAOD::Jet *calibratedjet;
Once you have calibrated it, save that instead of the original jet
// perform kinematic selections and store in vector of "selected jets"
Finally delete the pointer to de-allocate the memory associated with the calibratedjet
// cleanup
delete calibratedjet;
Memory Management Quiz
Why do we need to delete the
We store our calibrated jets in side a
, which is a list of jet objects and not pointers. Thus when we add a jet to the list, we allocate new memory with a copy of the value pointed to bycalibratedjet
.When writing your analysis code, you might want to take a look at shallow copies. These will store a copy of your
object, but only allocate memory for attributes that you change. Thus being more memory efficient.
Multiple Histograms
Modify the
program to store the histograms for both calibrated and uncalibrated jet. You might want to create a new class calledJetHistograms
that manages the two jet histograms for a given jet collection.
Updating the Dependenciy List
now uses code from two central packages; AsgTools
and JetCalibToolsLib
. We need to update our executable target to let CMake know that these are now dependencies.
should now contain the following.ATLAS_ADD_EXECUTABLE ( AnalysisPayload util/AnalysisPayload.cxx LINK_LIBRARIES xAODEventInfo xAODRootAccess xAODJet JetSelectionHelperLib AsgTools JetCalibToolsLib)
Look at the Results
Before running your new code, make a copy of your old results. We will be compare the new histograms with the old ones to understand the effect of calibration.
cp myOutputFile.root uncalibOutputFile.root
Then compile your new code and run!
Key Points
There are nice official tools to apply calibrations.