This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

ATLAS CMake: Glossary

Key Points

Introduction to ATLAS Offline Software
  • Athena is a collection of common packages that are compiled and released regulariy.

  • Your analysis project is just an external package.

Your Workspace
  • Use three directories: source/ for code, build/ for binaries and run/ for output.

The Top-Level CMakeLists.txt
  • Copy-paste the generic CMakeLists.txt from the ATLAS Software Documentation and place it inside the source/ directory.

The Package CMakeLists.txt
  • Use ATLAS macros. They specify a structure to your build/ directory that makes your life easy!

Coffee break!
  • Coffee sucks, drink tea.

Calibrate Your Jets
  • There are nice official tools to apply calibrations.

Modyfing an Athena Package
  • Don’t compile the entire athena repository. Use either sparse checkouts or package_filters.txt to specify what packages you want to compile.
